How to Dress Like Jaime Pressly

How to Dress Like Jaime Pressly

Celebrities offer great style inspiration that can be incorporated into anyone's look. Jaime Pressly has a hit television show and has been profiled by many celebrity magazines. To dress like Jaime Pressly simply requires taking her personal style and assimilating it into your wardrobe. A celebrity's style of dress should be mimicked but not copied exactly to attain the desired look. Jaime Pressly's cool confidence and air of grace make her a style star to be emulated.


Visit Jaime Pressly fan sites. Look for her pictures on fashion websites and in magazines. Notice the details of her clothing. Think about the way she dresses and your current style. Decide on elements to integrate into your personal style of dress.


Find pictures of Jaime Pressly's new clothing line, J'aime. Go shopping and find items of clothing that resemble those in J'aime. Take pictures of the dresses and other pieces that you like the best, to ensure that you don't forget what your favorite things look like.


Wear clothing that is comfortable yet still feminine. Jaime Pressly loves clothing made out of soft drapey fabrics that compliment the contours of her girlish frame. She is also a bit of a tomboy so find jeans and tees that are still girly, but not glitzy.


Invest time and money in shoes. This is the area that Jaime often uses to express her femininity. Choose high heel in funky colors. Strappy stiletto


are a Jaime favorite. Remember to get a great pedicure.


Create a look that is classic and streamlined, but try things that are funky as well. Jaime often shows up to premieres looking sophisticated and then the next red carpet features Jaime in a funky getup. Mix it up.