How to Price a Naturopathic Doctor

How to Price a Naturopathic Doctor

You've assessed your medical needs and want to find a doctor who suits your budget. Naturopathic practitioners use natural health techniques like nutritional counseling and herbal medicine to help maintain a patient's good physical condition and to treat a wide variety of ailments from headaches to diabetes, often without drugs or surgery. Learn what to add to the price of a doctor visit to determine the true cost of naturopathic health care.

Things You'll Need:

Yellow pages

Computer with Internet access

Calculate the True Cost


Plan for a moderately expensive first doctor's visit, comparable to a medical doctor. Fees vary by location, experience and specialty of the practitioner.


Add on any nutritional supplements or other remedies your doctor may prescribe. These can be inexpensive herbal medicines or ongoing chiropractic, massage or other care that can be more expensive.


Subtract the money you will save in the long run with health maintenance. With a lower use of prescription drugs, fewer lab procedures requested and more home health self-care, you may see a substantial savings over conventional managed care prices.


Calculate the total price of general naturopathic health care, depending on your insurance coverage. Some providers do cover alternative therapies and some don't.


Learn more about what to expect from naturopathy from the Web site of the National Women's Health Resource Center (see Resources below).

Find a Naturopathic Doctor


Check the yellow pages or see a list of practitioners in your area at the Web sites of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and "Psychology Today" (see Resources below).


Find the price of an office visit on doctors' business Web sites or use search tools. The "Psychology Today" online search tool lists doctors' fees along with biographical information. Contact those that don't list costs and tell them which services you are looking for.

Tips & Warnings

Naturopathic practitioners tend to spend more time and work more closely with their patients. Minute for minute, you'll pay less for a naturopathic versus conventional medical doctor.

Emergency conditions, such as trouble breathing or broken bones, require immediate care from an emergency room facility. Do not expect naturopathic doctors to provide this kind of emergency care.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.