How to Make an Herbal Tea Bath

How to Make an Herbal Tea Bath

After a hard day of work, there is nothing more therapeutic than a hot, relaxing bath. Adding certain herbs is believed to make the bath more relaxing (lavender), healthful (comfrey), or even invigorating (rosemary). The herbal tea bath is an alternative way to use herbs in the tub, without the risk of getting bits of herb in the bottom of the tub.

Things You'll Need:

handful of herb of choice


2 quart pan


Place handful of fresh herb in pan.


Fill pan with water, cover with lid, and boil for about 15 minutes.


Strain herbs. Pour tea directly into bathwater before entering tub. Check water temperature before getting in.

Tips & Warnings

Always make sure that you are not allergic to an herb before using in bathwater.

Consult an herb book before using an herb.