How to Make an Herbal Tea to Treat ADD

How to Make an Herbal Tea to Treat ADD

Many people don't like the side effects that prescriptions have on them which are used to treat overly hyper activity. Here are some tips for those who have discussed natural remedies with their doctor. This is a simple, inexpensive, and effective method for using home-made natural alternatives to treat the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder.

Things You'll Need:

1 Ounce Ginko Biloba or St. John's Wort (whichever you prefer) in the form of dried leaves

1 Quart Jar of Boiling Hot Water With Lid


Put 1 Ounce Of The Dried Herb Leaves Into The Jar Of Boiling Hot Water.


Screw On The Lid Firmly And Allow To Steep Until It Is Completely Cool.


Strain Out Dried Herb Leaves. Enjoy Tea In Your Favorite Cup.

Tips & Warnings

Make sure and talk to your doctor before beginning to use any types of medicines, supplements, herbs, or vitamins. Check into allergies, safe amounts, and the side effects of stopping any prior medicines. As with any treatment, herbal alternatives do take time to work and different people react differently to remedies.