How to Make an Herbal Tea Blend for Strong Nails

How to Make an Herbal Tea Blend for Strong Nails

My nails have a tendency to peel and crack. I've learned that if I feed my body with the right minerals, my nails get a lot stronger. So, I created this herbal tea blend to help fix my problem.

A few years ago I started drinking this blend several times a day. After about a month, my nails were stronger and longer than ever. The key to this tea is that it is rich in a mineral called silica. Our modern diet is depleted of this mineral because of soil quality. It seems that adding more of it to my diet really helps my nails. Here is how to make it.

Things You'll Need:

3 tbsp. chamomile flowers

2 tbsp. spearmint

2 tbsp. oatstraw

1 tbsp. stinging nettle

1 tbsp. horsetail

Medium mixing bowl

Wooden spoon

Airtight container


Add all of the herbs to the mixing bowl and stir gently with the wooden spoon. Make sure all of the herbs are high quality.


Transfer the herbs to an airtight container. I like amber glass jars, but a plastic container works just fine.


Cover the container and shake it well. You'll want to shake it once or twice before you measure out the herbs for your tea. As the herbs sit, they settle. In this blend, the chamomile flowers will likely rise to the top.


To make the herbal tea, use 1.5 teaspoons for every cup of water. You can make a few cups in advance and store it in the fridge.

Tips & Warnings

I love this blend iced.

Make sure you see a doctor to rule out all possible causes of your weak nails.