How to Make an Immune Booster Smoothie

How to Make an Immune Booster Smoothie

Give your immune system a boost if you sense a cold or flu starting to affect your body. A fresh immune booster smoothie works at fighting symptoms of a cold or flu. The smoothie explained in the following steps directly boosts your body to fight pathenogens.

Things You'll Need:

1 cup of purified water

Lemon (peeled with some white rind remaining)

Orange (peeled with some white rind remaining)

Half a pear

Stevia to taste

Garlic clove

Pinch of fresh oregano

Cayenne pepper (optional)


Set up a blender on the counter.


Add a cup of purified water.


Put in the lemon, orange, garlic clove, pear, oregano and Stevia.


Turn blender on low to mix the ingredients. Once the ingredients mix up, turn the blender to high for about 20 to 30 seconds.


Pour the smoothie into a glass. Smell the aroma of the drink.


Sprinkle your optional cayenne pepper on top of the drink and mix with a spoon.


Drink down the smoothie immediately. This ought to do the trick in helping your body fight any kind of cold or flu-causing germs.

Tips & Warnings

Lemons remain one of the best sources of vitamin C and antioxidants, which help boost the immune system of the body.

Many consider garlic a "wonder herb" because of its properties, repelling everything from vampires to the common cold and flu.

A study by the USDA reports that oregano offers the greatest antioxidant effects of all other herbs.

A pathogen is a biological agent known to cause illness or disease to the body.

When making an immune boosting smoothie, avoid using sugars. Sugars lower the immune system. Stevia sweetens naturally without any grams of sugar, calories or carbohydrates.